I once read a story that made me dig deeper into my Attitude than I ever did before I read it. It was about a firm that employed a large number of people. One day, the boss made a saddening but at the same time exciting announcement. He said; “I’m sorry to announce to you all that the enemy that has held everyone of you from succeeding in this firm, is dead, and tomorrow you all will be given the chance to see who this person is before he is buried” first they were all sad because someone had died. Second, they were excited because finally they have been given the chance to each know who their enemy really is.
The following day, still puzzled and perplexed they all lined up in front of the casket of the said deceased, waiting anxiously to know who laid in it. They were all just as curious as you are now, to knew who this enemy. One after the other, they walked clumsily towards the casket. On getting to the casket, they discovered that what laid in the casket was actually not a human being but a mirror. Surprised? Yes! Laying in the casket was a mirror, and thus, when they looked into the casket, each one of them beheld his or her own face. When they were all done looking into the casket, the boss said, “Now you know who your enemy is, and now that he is dead, you can all go back to work, putting in your very best without fear of enemy attack.”
You are the greatest asset you have and it is your choice what you make out of you. Many have made themselves their own enemy yet they seek to blame others for their failure. They’ve decided not to succeed, yet they blame others for their failure. Some hide under the cover of so called humility to speak against wealth and success, thereby criticizing those who have made it to the top, and most unfortunately hampering their own success.
When God created man, he gave him all he needed to succeed; CHOICE. It therefore means that I can decide either to succeed or otherwise. The same applies to you. The daily choices we make, determine our success or failure. Making the right choices therefore is imperative, if you most succeed as a business man/woman, sales-person, lawyer civil servant, banker, and athlete or even as a student. Life generally is built on choices and can also be destroyed by choice. Now, lets take a look at some of these choices;
Just like it is called, Negative choices Negate your success in life. I must point it out rightly, that some negative choices we make are out of ignorance. Choices such as; cheating, stealing, arrogance, fighting are obviously Negative choices. But there are also less obvious Negative choices (Mindset) we make as individuals, because these less obvious choices, are the progenitors of the obvious ones.
These are the choices that bring out the champion in you. They fan your talent, conquer your fears, trade your worries for hope and plunge you into a lifetime of success.